How Examiners Mark Your Exams: Key Mistakes to Avoid by CA Parag Gupta Sir

How Examiners Mark Your Exams: A Deep Dive into the Checking Process

To be very honest, after our exams are sent in, we students make a bit of a riddle for the folks who sit down to read them. How should we actually gauge the quality of our work? Are there any specific requirements? However, these are a few of the unanswered questions. Now we are stepping behind the scene and will give some of the insights from CA Parag Gupta sir, the Institute of Chartered AccounRead More…

Dealing with Exam Stress Tips to Succeed and Stay Calm (1)

How to reduce exam stress and anxiety: tips for success

How to reduce exam stress and anxiety: tips for success A more detailed breakdown is very much needed for students who are appearing for exams. Here in this blog, I am gonna introduce how to reduce anxiety before an exam, assuming the worst. Anxiety is a constant feeling whenever exams are near. Yes, even the winners are losers. “What if I fail?” is one of the thoughts goiRead More…

Dealing with Exam Stress: Tips to Succeed and Stay Calm

Dealing with exam stress: tips to succeed and stay calm

Dealing with exam stress: tips to succeed and stay calm What is exam stress?
Hello to all other students! If you are skimming through this post, trust me that you are to the nth degree feeling the heat of the nearby tests. Believe me, I’ve been there and so familiar with that twist in your tummy. But the point is – exam stress is not the ruler of your life. Let’s mull over the reasons and some waRead More…

Ace Your Exams: 20-Day Study Strategy for Success

Ace Your Exams: 20-Day Study Strategy for Success

It’s time to get serious about studying and make the most of your studies because your examinations are in just 20 days. Here’s a thorough guide to help you feel more confident and well-prepared on the big day.Let us first understand a gist about our topic exams from CA Parag Gupta sir from a small video- Here are some tips to excel in exams: Read More…