Is CA Final Tough?

Those students who have chosen the CA Course as their career always have a question that is CA Final tough? So I must tell you that the CA course is challenging, and every level of this course is tough and challenging. If you think that CA Foundation is the easy level of CA, then you are again wrong. Each step in CA has its difficulty level and it always your dedication and proper time schedule which will help you succeed in your dreams. You have to prepare yourself for every level of this course if you really want to achieve your heights. But here the question is- ‘Is CA Final tough?’ So the answer is YES, the CA Final course is tough, but it is also not something that one cannot achieve.

Is CA Final Tough? It is just because we have agreed in our mind that the CA Final is a very tough subject, and it is tough to clear. The syllabus is very hard. So panicking is not the option. If you have joined this course, make up your mind with all the positivity and start telling yourself that you are ready for all the challenges and will achieve what you have dreamt of.

Why CA Final Course is believed to be the most toughest level?

CA Final is the last and the most difficult CA Course in which you have to study hard to score good marks. CA Final is believed to be the toughest in CA Course because of its vast syllabus. Yes, the CA Final syllabus is vast, and to clear the CA Final exams, students have to start preparation from Day 1. As we all know that when we practice and prepare for the individual subject, we become an expert in it, but when you have to prepare for a subject along with 7 others, it becomes more difficult. It is easy to study and prepare for the exam for 6 months, but when it comes to recalling it just a day before the exam is very tough. Most of the students panic in this situation; even many students face memory loss problems because they forget the simple theories because of the pressure.

CA Final results typically range between 8% –10%. 80% of students get three or more attempts at this level. Student take attempts not because they didn’t work hard, but they lost their focus on studies. It is very tough to complete the entire CA Final syllabus in just 6 months because the syllabus is vast. The 3 years of the Articleship period is enough to divert the concentration of a CA aspirant from the studies. During this period, students become more focused on work rather than studies. We all know that CA Course is tough; that’s why it is one of the toughest exams and one of the most respected professions. The only solution to pass CA Final exam is to go parallel with your studies and work. Focus on your studies even in the Articleship period.

Most of the student says that it is tough to work and study simultaneously and we do not get enough time from the office to study for the CA Final course. This excuse makes no sense because before joining the CA Course, every student knows the structure, and if you really want to become a CA, no excuse shall stop you from achieving your dreams. You have to manage your time for the studies if you want to become a Chartered Accountant. If you want to achieve your dream of becoming a Chartered accountant, follow what Swami Vivekananda said:-

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success”.

Everything is difficult in life but it is upon a person how he manages to get success.

Swami Vivekananda

How to Prepare to For the Challenges of CA Final Course?

So here we will talk in detail about the tips to prepare for the challenges like- managing time for study; making a schedule for study; what coaching center will be the best for the CA Final course, etc. In this, we will try to elaborate more on overcoming the big challenges faced by the CA candidates

  • 1 Manage your time for every subject because the syllabus of all three levels of CA Final Course is very vast, so it is advised to make a proper timetable for every chapter and topic so you can manage the time.
  • Try to complete your syllabus before the time to manage enough time for your revision because revision is a must while preparing for one of the toughest exams.
  • Proper guidance is essential to prepare systematically for the CA Final exam, and for this, students must join the best CA Coaching center for their studies. The coaching center will provide you the proper guidance, and you can also share your doubt and have the solution in your coaching center.
  • It is imperative to practice and study daily because the CA Final syllabus is vast, and students only have 6 months for preparation. You must understand that every day is important, so work hard and study for the exam regularly.
  • Stay motivated: Regular exercise, yoga, and meditation can help you to stay healthy both physically & mentally. It will help to improve your concentration power. A healthy mind leads to a positive attitude.
  • Try to solve Mock test papers and old exam papers. It will help you to get an idea about the pattern of exam and self-evaluation. It will also help you to find the important questions which are coming continuously. Also, try to maintain an examination hall decorum while attempting these papers, this will help you to practice as per the time limitation as well.
  • Always remember ICAI study material is essential and student must not neglect it.
  • Stay away from social media; it is important not to get diverted from your study in the CA Final course, and social media is one of the main reasons students get distracted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many attempts are allowed in CA?

Ans. The registration for the CA Foundation course Is valid for three years means 6 attempts, and the registration for CA Intermediate is valid for four years ( 8attempts) only. The registration for CA Final is valid for Initial registration for Final Course is valid for 5 years which means 10 attempts. Once your registration is expired & you are not able to pass the exams, then you can re-register for exams & can give exams again. There is no limit for registration & attempts to pass exams.

Q. Is doing Ca really worth it?

Ans. Since years, CA is a profession of high respect. Once you become a CA you would realise how society starts respecting you. Once Ratan Tata quoted ” I need MBA for running my business but CA to teach them how to run the business.” This quote himself explains the worth of a CA. Being CA you have a variety of fields in which you can carry forward your carrier in different fields as per your interest like- Audit/Accounting/Taxation/Transactional Advisory services/Due diligence roles.

Q. How many students pass ca Final every year?

Ans. Every year hundreds of students registered for the CA Course but few of them clear the CA Final Exam. CA Final exam is one of the toughest levels in the CA Journey.

Q. Is CA really a good course of study, or is it just hyped?

Ans. Yes, CA is one of the best career options as it is counted amongst one of the top professions in India. If you become a Chartered Accountant then you can earn a lavish salary package also. India is the leading business hub and every company needs a Chartered Accountant to manage their accounts, so it is also the best course for stable future.

Q. How can I become a Chartered Accountant in India?

Ans. Chartered Accountancy is one of the most responsible jobs. There are level exams to become Chartered Account, first is Foundation Exam which is the entry-level test of CA Course and after passing foundation exam you need to clear Intermediate exam which is the second level of Chartered Accountant course after clearing Intermediate you need to clear CA Final exam which is the last and the tough level of CA Course after completing all three-level you will become a Chartered Accountant.

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