Top 5 Revision Strategies To Study Smarter For Upcoming Exams

The exam is a very crucial period for students and during this time every student faces the problem of how to prepare for the upcoming exams and how to make strategies to study to score good marks in upcoming exams. It becomes more difficult when you are pursuing the most difficult course, Chartered Accountant. Becoming a Chartered Accountant is not an easy task. You have to study hard with all your efforts. To make this procedure easy here we have come with the top 5 strategies to study for your upcoming CA Final Exams.

However, we all know that the CA Final Syllabus is very vast and difficult and it is not easy to revise the entire syllabus in a limited time period so in this article we have tried to help with you some of the best revision strategies to study to score good marks in your CA Final Exam. Just follow these strategies they will help you to revise in a better way and you will definitely get a better result.

Top 5 Revision Strategies to Study for CA Final Exams

Below are the some strategies to study while preparing for exams

Make Your Own Notes

Always remember that hand-made notes are one of the major key points in your revision and they help you to revise the most important chapter, topic, and question before the exam. If you have your hand-made note then the revision process will be easy for you. Those students who have the habit to make notes during classes have scored good marks in CA Final exam. This process always works and if you think that you can revise the entire syllabus just before the exam so you are making a mistake because revise the whole syllabus just before the exam is very difficult, so follow these strategies to study and score good marks in CA Final Exams.

Early Morning Study

It is like what we remember in the morning with a fresh mind, it gets remembered quickly and it is understood very well. Early morning study is one of the best strategies to study which you should follow. If you study well in the morning it is believed that whatever you have read will remain in your mind and you can easily memorize it. If you study early morning you will get extra time for study and preparation to score good marks in the exams. Make a time schedule and fix the chapter as per days before the exam and try to complete them in the given time. Make a habit to wake up early and prepare yourself for study because the fresh air of morning will chill your mind and it also decreases the stress.

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Plan Your Revision as Per Your Subject

Planning is the most important point during revision. Students have to make a properly planned schedule for their revision as per their chapter and subject. They have to mark that how much time should be given to a particular chapter or subject. and also the time of completion. It will help you to manage your time and effort. Make a plan to read all the topics of the subject in the given time and mark the important topics and question them moved to revision. A well-planned schedule always works to score good marks in exams.

Mark the Topics for Revision

Student must read their syllabus thoroughly and mark the topics which are important and have a chance to come in the upcoming examinations. The topic-wise study will help you to mark the important topic and it will also help you to revise the syllabus. It is very important that students must complete their whole syllabus and have the proper understanding of every chapter and topic before starting the revision.

Do Exercise and Meditation Daily

A healthy body and a healthy mind work smartly. Having a healthy and balanced diet keeps the mind and body strong and energetic which helps to be more concentrated and focused. Don’t eat junk and unhealthy food and consuming an excessive amount of coffee and energy drink will leads you to more clumsy and inactive. Do meditation and proper exercise daily will help you in your daily task. During revision drink good water and take rest to eat a healthy diet.

Keep aside the Social Media

To score good marks in the exam student must have to reduce their time on social media. If you make yourself busy on social media you will get distracted and even it will affect your studies also. During your preparation try not to use social media and give all your attention to your study and revision. This strategies to study has been recommended by many people and it always works. because social media is the main reason students get distracted and dont focus on their studies. To score good mark student are advised to not use social media in their revision time.

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Some Important Tips to Revise the Entire Syllabus for Upcoming CA Final Exams.

Students have various ways to revise the syllabus for their upcoming CA Final exam. Below we have given some ways by which students can prepare and revise for their exams.

MTP ( Mock Test Papers):- Some student thinks that mock test papers are not important but let me tell you that these MTPs are very important in your revision process. A student can get the idea by solving the Mock test paper that how well he prepared for the exams. It also helps to get the idea about the pattern of upcoming exam papers.

Self Made Notes:- Self-made note always helps students to revise the topic or a chapter before the exam. Revision from the notes is more useful rather revise all the syllabus, so it is advised to students that always make notes during lectures or self-studies.

Video Lectures:- Video lectures helps students to revise the topic after the completion of the entire syllabus. Video lectures are a very interesting way of learning Students can attend the video lecture for their revision.

Past exam question Papers:- Past exam question paper are important to understand the pattern of exam and it also helps to find the questions which are coming continuously in the last examinations.

The tips given above are considered the best strategies to study when you are preparing for CA final exam or any other competitive exam. Just Follow these revision strategies to study you will get a better result.

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